Locking Collar Hydraulic Jack - (R..L Series) - Single-Acting | Load Return

Push, mechanical load holding
     - Positive mechanical lock to support load
     - Support lifted load for extended periods of time with hydraulic pressure released

ForceStrokeOrderOil CapRetracted HeightWeight
Tons MM. No. CC. MM. KG.
55 50.8 R552L 362 161.9 15.3
55 152.4 R556L 1.087 263.5 26.3
55 254.8 R5510L 1.811 365.1 36.3
100 50.8 R1002L 677 184.2 30.0
100 152.4 R1006L 2.030 285.8 46.8
100 254.8 R10010L 3.383 387.4 64.5
150 50.8 R1502L 1.007 206.4 53.0
150 152.4 R1506L 3.019 308.9 80.4
200 254.8 R2002L 1.355 241.3 83.1
200 50.8 R2006L 4.062 342.9 117.6
280 152.4 R2802L 1.861 247.7 118.5
280 254.8 R2806L 5.583 349.3 163.0
280 50.8 R28010L 9.305 450.9 208.1
355 152.4 R3552L 2.326 292.1 173.0
355 254.8 R3556L 6.975 393.7 232.5
430 50.8 R4302L 2.841 333.4 252.4
430 152.4 R4306L 8.520 435.0 329.2
430 254.8 R43010L 14.201 536.6 405.9
565 50.8 R5652L 3.710 371.2 368.2
565 152.4 R5656L 11.129 473.1 468.0
565 254.8 R56510L 18.548 574.7 568.0

Know More: https://www.spxflow.com/en/power-team/pd-rl-55-565t-sa-locking-collar/

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