High Tonnage Hydraulic Jack - (RC..D Series) - Double-Acting | Hydraulic Return

Push - Pull and Press
     - Cylinders come standard with hardened caps

ForceStrokeOrderOil CapRetracted HeightWeight
Tons MM. No. CC. MM. KG.
740 50 RC7402D 4.811 283 304
740 150 RC7406D 14.132 398 398
740 250 RC74010D 24.053 508 490
965 50 RC9652D 6.283 310 434
965 150 RC9656D 18.850 420 551
965 250 RC9510D 31.416 530 668
1220 50 RC12202D 7.952 330 584
1220 150 RC12206D 23.856 440 731
1220 250 RC122010D 39.761 550 878

Know More: https://www.spxflow.com/en/power-team/pd-rc-740-1220-da/

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