High Tonnage Hydraulic Jack - (R..D Series) - Double-Acting | Hydraulic Return

Push - Pull, Press for low-cycle application
     - Built-in safety relief valve prevents over-pressurization of the retract circuit

ForceStrokeOrderOil CapCentre HoleRetracted HeightWeight
Tons MM. No. CC. MM. MM. KG.
100 50.8 R1002D 676 315 168.7 24.5
100 152.4 R1006D 2.027 945 270.3 36.8
100 254.0 R10010D 3.378 1.574 371.9 49.0
150 50.8 R1502D 1.007 485 188.9 43.1
150 152.4 R1506D 3.021 1.456 290.5 61.7
200 50.8 R2002D 1.355 643 206.8 61.7
200 152.4 R2006D 4.064 1.929 308.4 84.9
200 254.0 R20010D 6.773 3.214 410.0 108.5
280 51.8 R2802D 1.861 774 233.8 99.4
280 152.4 R2806D 5.579 2.322 335.4 134.8
280 254.0 R28010D 9.299 3.870 437.0 170.7
355 50.8 R3552D 2.326 777 288.9 147.0
355 152.4 R3556D 6.977 2.332 390.5 191.1
430 50.8 R4302D 2.840 977 312.7 199.3
430 152.4 R4306D 8.521 2.932 414.3 253.3
430 254.0 R43010D 14.202 4.887 515.9 305.5
565 50.8 R5652D 3.710 1.260 345.3 281.0
565 152.4 R5656D 11.129 3.779 446.9 350.4
565 254.0 R56510D 18.548 6.298 548.5 420.4

Know More: https://www.spxflow.com/en/power-team/pd-r-100-565t-da/

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